Full Time Staff

Name Title Phone Room Email
logo Dr. LEE, Ka Man Kaman
李家文 博士
Assistant Vice President

Director of Communications and Public Affairs Office

Head & Associate Professor of Practice
2806-5166 LC707
logo Dr. TONG, Suk Chong Crispy
唐淑莊 博士
Associate Head

Associate Professor

Public Relations Stream Leader
2104-8279 LC701
logo SO, Kai Chi Edgar
蘇啟智 老師
Associate Professor of Practice

Director of BA (Hons) in MDIT

Audio-Visual Production Stream Leader
2804-8429 LC711
logo Dr. LAM, Wun Sum
林援森 博士
Senior Lecturer

Director of Internship

Journalism Stream Leader
2806-5164 LC706
logo Prof. WONG, Chung Ming Peter
黃仲鳴 教授
Professor of Practice 2804-8430 LC704
logo Dr. TSUI, Tung Keith
徐東 博士
Assistant Professor 2806-5169 LC713
logo Dr. ZHANG, Xiao Grace
張曉 博士
Assistant Professor

Advertising Stream Leader
2806-5170 LC710
logo Dr. LEUNG Ka Kuen, Dennis
梁家權 博士
Assistant Professor

Head of Data Analytics and Survey Research Center
2804-5168 LC709
logo Dr. CHU, Tsz Hang, Ken
朱子恒 博士
Assistant Professor 2104-8202 LC703
logo Dr. GUO Jing
郭靖 博士
Assistant Professor 2104-8290 LC705
logo HO, Yung Sang Vincent
何戎笙 老師
Senior Manager of Communications and Public Affairs Office 2804-8593 RLG201
logo Yan, Kayee Manager of Communications and Public Affairs Office
Managing Editor, Shue Yan Newsletter
logo Chiu, Effy Assistant Manager of Communications and Public Affairs Office RLG201
logo LAI, Janice  Executive Officer 2806-5122 RHB306
logo TANG, Sharon Executive Assistant 2806-5195 RHB306
logo LEE, Rigene Executive Assistant 2804-8549 RHB306