唐淑莊 博士
Dr. TONG, Suk Chong Crispy
Acting Head
Associate Professor
Public Relations Stream Leader
Suk Chong TONG (Ph.D., Hong Kong Baptist University) is Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism and Communication, Hong Kong Shue Yan University. She had worked in the sectors of public relations and marketing, and has been teaching public relations, advertising, and communication studies in universities. Her work, which is mainly sole- or lead-authored, has been published in Public Relations Review (SSCI; 2022 Impact Factor: 4.2), Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing (SSCI; 2022 Impact Factor: 8.2), Asian Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (SSCI; 2022 Impact Factor: 3.7), Journal of Communication Management (ESCI; 2022 impact factor: 3.1), and others.


Courses Taught
Public Relations Writing for Online and Offline Contexts
Public Relations Disciplines in the Digital World
Research Interests
Digital engagement
Online brand communities 
Marketing public relations
Organizational trust
Financial communication
Medical news reporting
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D., School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University
Master of Cultural Studies (Distinction), Lingnan University
M.Phil, School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Communication (Public Relations & Advertising), Hong Kong Baptist University
Competitive research grants (selected)
1) Principal investigator, “Reviewing digital technology-driven marketing communications and future research directions: A cross-disciplinary dialogue between academics and practitioners”, Inter-Institutional Development Scheme (IIDS), Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector 2023/24,
Research Grants Council, Hong Kong. [HK$564,651.](Project Website: https://dtmc.hksyu.edu/ )
2) Principal investigator, “Revisiting public relations functions and values in the digital era”, Faculty Development Scheme, Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector 2016/17,
Research Grants Council, Hong Kong. [HK$562,163.]
3) Co-investigator, “Journalistic framing practices: Exploring framing production of medical news reporting in Hong Kong”, University Research Grant, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 2022/23. [HK$39,910.]
(with Principal investigator: Edgar So)
Competitive teaching and learning grant
Assistant Project Coordinator, “Developing a one-stop cloud-based resource platform for industrial attachment (OCRPIA)”, Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS), 2023/24, Education Bureau, Hong Kong. [HK$4,897,500.] (with Project Coordinator: Dr. Keith Tsui)
Journal Articles
Tong, S. C., & Chan, F. F. Y. (2023). Strategies to drive interactivity and digital engagement: A practitioners’ perspective. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 17(6), 901-920.
Tong, S. C., & Chan, F. F. Y. (2023). Revisiting public relations function in the digital era: A study on public relations and marketing practitioners in Hong Kong. Asian Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35(8), 1883-1899.
Tong, S. C., & Chan, F. F. Y. (2022). Revisiting trust in the digital era: the interplay of online trust and online dialogic communication from the practitioners' perspective. Journal of Communication Management, 26(3), 271-293. 
Tong, S. C. (2021). Public relations practice in the digital era: Trust and commitment in the interplay of interactivity effects and online relational strategies. Journal of Marketing Communications, 28(7), 799-819.
Tong, S. C., & Chan, F. F. Y. (2020). Exploring market-oriented relations in the digital era: A study of public relations and marketing practitioners in Hong Kong. Journal of Communication Management, 24(1), 65-82.
    Tong, S. C. (2018). Perceived risk and the interplay of expert endorsement, corporate image and investment knowledge in mutual fund advertising. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 23(3-4), 179-189.
Tong, S. C. (2015). Financial Communication in Initial Public Offerings: Risk estimate in the interplay of organizational trust, organizational reputation and media influences. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 20(1), 30-47.
Tong, S. C. (2013). Media reputation in initial public offerings: A study of financial news coverage in Hong Kong. Public Relations Review, 39(5), 470-483.
Tong, S. C. (2013). Exploring corporate risk transparency: Corporate risk disclosure and the interplay of corporate reputation, corporate trust and media usage in initial public offerings. Corporate Reputation Review, 16(2), 131-149.
Selected Conference Papers
Tong, S. C., & Chan, F. F. Y. (2018). Market-oriented relations in the digital era: A study of public relations and marketing professionals in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the International Public Relations Research Symposium (BledCom), Slovenia, July 5-7.
Tong, S. C., & Chan, F. F. Y. (2018). The practices of market-oriented relations in Hong Kong in the digital era. Paper presented at The Asian Congress for Media and Communication, Taiwan, October 27-29.
Tong, S. C., & Chan, F. F. Y. (2016). Revisiting the relationship between public relations and marketing in the digital era. Paper accepted at The 1st Annual Conference of the Public Relations Society of China and The 9th International Forum on Public Relations and Advertising. Hong Kong, December 3-4.
Du, J., & Tong, S. C. (2010). Uncertainty as problem-dynamics in Hong Kong context and its presentation in media. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Convention (Chinese Communication Association session), Singapore, June 22-26.
Selected Online Articles
Tong, S. C., & Pang, T. C. (2017, December 15). Exploring the relationship between organ donation news stories and social media in Hong Kong (初探香港器官捐贈新聞與社交媒體的關係). Media Digest. [In Chinese, online publication] http://app3.rthk.hk/mediadigest/content.php?aid=2132