Aims and Objectives

Here for Inspiration

(Who is the Department of Journalism and Communication for?)

It is for anyone preparing for the many career paths in the communications field with a communications degree. The professional field is broad, in which careers span multiple sectors, encompassing roles in business, journalism, marketing, public relations, among other professions.

The Department, which offers applied journalism education, was launched in 1971 and has become one of the major Journalism and Public Relations & Advertising (PRA) teaching establishments in HKSAR. Students are trained to possess language proficiency and be technologically competent to learn the process and impact of communication in a variety of social contexts.

Students will make their choice of concentration among:

1) Visual Production and New Media

The Visual Production and New Media concentration aims to provide students with a solid foundation of audio-visual production training together with the elements of new media such as online communication application, computer graphic and animation design as well as uses of immersive technology. Students will be offered professional training on content production of both fiction (e.g. drama, entertainment and creative media) and non-fiction (e.g. news feature and documentary) nature. They will also enhance their skills in developing creative ideas and applying them across conventional and digital platforms.

Career Prospect

  • Broadcast Announcer and Radio DJ
  • Cinematographer
  • Copywriter
  • Digital Media Specialist
  • Director
  • Executive Producer
  • Journalist
  • Multimedia Producer
  • Scriptwriter
  • Social Media Manager
  • Television Programme Planner
  • TV Programme Host

Featured Course

2) Public Relations and Advertising

The Public Relations and Advertising concentration aims to nurture future professionals and talents in public relations, corporate communications, advertising, and digital communications. Through professional training in problem-solving, strategic planning, and the execution of digital communications techniques, students who opt for this concentration would have the opportunity to deliver audience-focused communications strategies and solutions in the technologically driven media landscape.

Career Prospect

  • Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Account Planner
  • Copywriter
  • Marketing Manager
  • Media Relations Manager
  • Project Curator
  • Public Relations Specialist​​​​​​
  • Social Media Manager

Featured Course

3) Digital Journalism

The Digital Journalism concentration aims to equip students with essential knowledge and techniques to face the challenges provoked by the ever-changing, digitalized journalistic and communication working contexts. Students who opt for this concentration would have the opportunity to further enhance their understanding of how the digitization of the communication process dynamically influences journalistic practices today.

Career Prospect

  • Broadcast Announcer and Radio DJ
  • Copywriter
  • Digital Media Specialist
  • Executive Producer
  • Multimedia Producer
  • News Analyst, Reporter and Journalist
  • News Editor
  • Professional Editor
  • Scriptwriter
  • Social Media Manager
  • Television Programme Planner
  • TV Programme Host

Featured Course

Our AIM:  

The concentration provides a better mapping of how different fields of studies are integrated and help students match their learning paths with future professional career paths upon their completion of the four-year study.

#1  Assembly of Industry

Much has changed in journalism and society, what comes next is for journalists to decide. The Department develops curricula that help spread innovation within the media ecology, and which combine theory and practice. In concert with media-related organizations, our talents can find their way into the profession.

#2  Internship

Opportunities evolve yearly, the Department keeps collaborating with over a hundred institutes to provide Year 3 students with internships to support their transitions to professional journalism and communication. Students will be provided with on-campus audio-visual news and information practicum training, as well as professional internship training, as partial fulfilment of the degree programme at media, advertising agencies, marketing and advertising department of various public and private corporations to enable them to have hands-on experience in the industry.

In the first two years students will receive training in foundation subjects while in the third and fourth years they will delve deeper into the theory and practice of journalism and communication in the age of digitization. For practical experience, students are required to participate in activities organized by different platforms such as Our Voice (仁聞報), Shuo Online (說‧在線), SYU JC Radio (樹仁新傳電台), and Shue Yan Newsletter (樹仁簡訊) etc.

#3  Miracle of Alumni

We are proud of the 3500+ graduates, who made immense contributions to the communities and organizations they serve, telling magnificent stories across the industries.

Alumni Media Coverage

1)  Visual Production and New Media

歐家譽|動畫製作注重觀察力 曾在巴士站看女人手勢
梁文熙《Pictures of the Year Asia 2024》獲獎

2)  Public Relations and Advertising

3)  Digital Journalism
裴浩輝|當年放棄科大入樹仁  高材生成高級財經記者
畢礎暉|英文不可怕 「玩大」創辦《說在線》