劉美儀 老師
LAU, Mee Yee Esme
Part-time Lecturer 
Esme has more than 35 years’ experience in corporate communication, specialising in media publicity, issue management, crisis communication and stakeholder engagement.  Her portfolio included the Head of Corporate Affairs of Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital. Prior to HKSH, she served in corporate communication roles with Hong Kong Housing Authority, the then Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation and TVB. Before pivoting to corporate communication, she worked as a reporter with HK Standard and later joined South China Morning Post before turning to public relations.
She holds a master’s degree in communications management. She was the Honorary Treasurer of HK Public Relations Professionals’ Association (PRPA) in 2014-15 and Executive Committee Member (Training & Programme) in 2017-18.
Apart from teaching, Esme is also a media training consultant.