Yammy Tse (Graduated in 2016)

During her time at Shue Yan University, Yammy not only gained invaluable knowledge and expertise in her field of study, but she also had various opportunities to apply her skills through internships and part-time roles.
Upon completing her undergraduate degree, she pursued further education by earning a Master's degree in Communication Design from the University of Southampton. This experience allowed her to deepen her understanding of the creative and technical aspects of content creation, skills which would serve her well throughout her career.
After returning to Hong Kong, she joined the social media team at advertising agency TBWA\HK as a content creator. In this role, she honed her abilities in design, animation, and video production while working on campaigns for clients such as American Eagle, Standard Chartered Bank, and Hennessy. The diverse range of projects involved helped Yammy build a well-rounded skill set.
She then had the chance to transform her role and become a multimedia designer for the Hong Kong government's news platform, news.gov.hk where she utilized her expertise in graphic design and video editing to create engaging public-facing content.  
Yammy has joined the team in the capacity as Art Director at 9GAG, an online platform and social media website based in Hong Kong with a global reach of over 1.5 billion active users. In this exciting new chapter of her career, she continues to apply her talents for content creation, design, and video editing to produce humorous, relatable, and share-worthy memes, reels and other social content that entertain audiences worldwide. At 9gag, Yammy has also had the opportunity to work in web3 and participate in NFT projects, including social media management and hosting community events. 
Yammy's message:
"Throughout my journey, I have always been grateful for the education and opportunities I received from Hong Kong Shue Yan University. The valuable connections I made with my peers and alumni, as well as the hands-on skills I developed have been instrumental in shaping my career path and allowing me to thrive in the dynamic fields of media and communication."

謝琦茵 (2016年畢業生)
在香港樹仁大學就讀新聞與傳播學系期間,謝琦茵不僅獲得了寶貴的知識和專業能力,而且還有機會通過實習和兼職來應用和加強她的技能。 完成學士學位後,琦茵進一步深造,獲得了南安普頓大學傳播設計碩士學位。這次經歷使她更深入地了解了內容創作的技巧,擴闊視野。 回到香港後,琦茵加入了廣告公司TBWA\HK的社交媒體團隊,成為一名內容創作者。期間,她在為美國時裝品牌American Eagle、香港渣打銀行和軒尼詩等客戶進行營銷活動的過程中,鍛煉了她在設計、動畫和視頻製作方面的能力。這些多樣化的項目讓琦茵變成一個更全面的內容創作者。之後,有機會成為香港政府新聞平台news.gov.hk的多媒體設計師,運用她在平面設計和視頻編輯方面的專業知識,製作引人入勝的網絡內容給大眾觀看。
最近,琦茵加入了於全球活躍用戶超過15億的在線平台和社交媒體網站9GAG擔任Art Director。在這個嶄新的職業階段,繼續發揮她在內容創作、設計和視頻編輯方面的才能,製作幽默、貼近生活、易於分享的meme、短視頻和其他社交內容,為全球觀眾帶來歡樂。在9GAG,琦茵還有機會涉足Web3領域,參與其推出的NFT項目,包括社交媒體管理和舉辦活動。