Trevor Cheuk Him, Lee (Graduated in 2013)
LEE Cheuk-him Trevor is an award-winning journalist, on-air personality, host of TV news and public affairs programmes, with more than a decade of experience. 
As a media and communication professional contributed in the winning entries of the TV & Film Awards of New York Festivals, the RTDNA Edward R. Murrow Award, the Golden Nymphs Award of Festival de Télévision de Monte-Carlo, etc. Trevor is specialized in covering news of international relations, Asia-Pacific regional politics, the latest economic and social development of China, Hong Kong SAR legislature, public administrations, trades and businesses, transport and aviation, and interviewing government officials and social stakeholders.
He began his career in 2012 as an intern reporter of TVB, during his study at the Department of Journalism and Communication, Hong Kong Shue Yan University. After gaining broad-based knowledge and receiving extensive professional training from the applied journalism education, Trevor continues to serve TVB News after his undergraduate study.
Trevor assumed as Bureau Chief in Guangzhou and capital Beijing respectively, and covered significant breaking news and headlines abroad, including Chinese President’s state visits to USA and UK, Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou summit, Trump-Kim summit, royal coronations, Belt and Road Initiative and related cooperation projects, etc..
As a seasoned journalist and TV programme host, Trevor presents news through anchoring flagship newscasts and hosts scoop interview programme ‘On the Record’, discussing currently trending social debates and concerning issues with guests from the government and different sectors. He also hosted Policy Address/Public Budget Joint TV Forum and Legislative Council Election Candidates’ Debate.
Other than his solid editorial experience, Trevor is a talent for being an announcer, narrator and voiceover artist. He participated in the production of Our Hong Kong Foundation’s ‘Our China Story’, a visual feature story series on the history, social and economic development, environmental conservancy and technological advancement of contemporary China. He is also the Cantonese voice behind CCTV’s documentary ‘Aerial China’ and ‘Every Treasure Tells a Story’.
Trevor is a master’s graduate in International and Public Affairs (MIPA) from the Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong. He was the recipient of Journalism Education Foundation Scholarship in 2021. Trevor rose to the rank of assistant news editor in the same year.

李卓謙 (2013年畢業生)
於樹仁大學修讀新聞與傳播期間赴無綫電視新聞及資訊部實習,期滿獲聘留任兼職記者;2013年學士畢業繼續服務無綫電視,負責粵語和英語新聞報道,主力採訪本港政治、交通運輸、商貿旅遊、中國政經發展、亞太局勢及國際關係議題。歷年參與採訪報道曾獲法國蒙地卡羅國際電視節最佳新聞報道奬,及美國廣播界Edward R. Murrow新聞獎,紐約電視電影節獎項等。