Sandy Yiu (Graduated in 2012)
Sandy Yiu is an accomplished media and finance professional, who graduated in 2012 with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from Hong Kong Shue Yan University. She is currently the Principal Anchor/Reporter in NowTV. Over the years, she has seamlessly integrated her academic background with practical experience, establishing a notable career in media and the financial sectors.
Sandy’s journey in the industry began at NowTV, where she progressed from a reporter to principal anchor. Throughout her time at NowTV Business News Channel (BNC) and News Channel (NNC), she mastered the skills in hosting live programs on finance and current affairs, simplifying complex financial concepts, and delivering them with clarity and precision. Her expertise was further demonstrated during her tenure as Vice-President of Investment Research at China Construction Bank where she was responsible for analysis of global market trends, in-depth market commentaries, and strategic insights to support the bank's investment products. This role highlighted her strategic thinking, project management skills, and deep understanding of the financial markets.
In addition to her full-time roles, Sandy has worked as an event emcee, hosting events and moderating investment seminars for government and world-leading international banks. These experiences underscore her versatility and ability to connect with various audiences.
Sandy’s message:
“I attribute my success to the robust education and practical experiences I received at Hong Kong Shue Yan University. The comprehensive curriculum and the mentorship from my professors and lecturers provided a solid foundation that has supported me throughout my dynamic career, allowing me to excel in the ever-evolving fields of media and finance. I am deeply grateful for the opportunities and mentorship I received at HKSYU, which have played a crucial role in shaping my professional journey.”

饒慧珊是一位在傳媒和金融界有豐富經驗的校友,2012年畢業於香港樹仁大學新聞與傳播學系,目前是now新聞台財經台首席主播及記者。 在now新聞台及財經台工作期間,她主持金融和時事直播節目,擅於將複雜的金融概念,以清晰明確的方式呈現給觀眾。另外在擔任中國建設銀行投資研究部副總裁期間,負責分析環球金融市場趨勢、撰寫深入的市場評論文章和為客戶提供投資策略,突顯其對項目管理的技能和金融市場的深入了解。饒慧珊亦曾為政府機關及國際金融機構擔任活動主持人,負責主持大型活動和投資研討會等。 