Patrick Ng (Graduated in 2009)
Patrick currently works as Senior Digital News Editor for the Chinese newspaper "am730", specializing in managing and producing real time news stories on mobile apps and website.
After graduating from Hong Kong Shue Yan University with Bachelor of Arts ( Hons)   in Journalism and Mass Communication, Patrick has almost 15  years’ experience as a journalist and news editor, and 12 years experience as a football columnist writer.
Throughout his four-year journey at Braemar Hill, Patrick has shown great interest in media related industries. At Year 3 he was elected as editor-in-chief  of“Shuo Online (說在線)”, the student internship news website of the Dept. of JC. and also the first daily news website of a local university established in 2005. Additionally, Patrick worked at Now Sports news channel as sports programme writer during his internship at Year 3.
He started his career from "Singpao (成報)" daily in sports news editor for almost 2 years. He then joined Hong Kong Economic Times group thereafter and was a founding team member of project "Skypost (晴報)",  a free Chinese newspaper which was launched on July , 2011. During his 12 years of service as reporter, senior news editor and football columnist writer "足球酷男" , Patrick had been specializing in sports, international and China related news and content. Starting from August 2023, Patrick has a new role as Senior Digital News Editor in "am730".
Patrick's message:
"I have enjoyed my time at Braemar Hill. The various curriculum and internships equipped me with the skills that have proven to be essential in the media industry. Family-like environment at Dept. of JC. connects different classes of students and graduates, building a strong-bond social and career network. "

他修讀樹仁大學新聞與傳播學系期間,曾出任學系旗下實習新聞網站《說.在線》總編輯,校外實習期間於Now Sports頻道任職資料撰稿員,為職業技能打下重要基礎。