Ling Lam (Graduated in 2008)
After graduating from Shue Yan’s Department of Communication, Ling Lam has been working in the media for 16 years, from newspaper to magazine editor, and subsequently transformed into an online editor. Ling Lam once served as editor of “Headline Daily” and “Sing Tao Daily”, mainly responsible for Hong Kong news and international news. Later, she moved to “Sunday Kiss” magazine to become a parenting and education reporter and conducted interviews with countless celebrity families for cover stories and helped “Sunday Kiss” become a leading parenting media. At the same time, she began to transform her career and serve as online news editor.
Ling Lam has 13 years of experience in the field of parenting, education and supplements. She currently works as Assistant Managing Editor at “TOPick”, a news website under “Hong Kong Economic Times”. She has successfully remodeled into a multimedia online editor, assisting in the management of “TOPick” parenting content, website and social media operations, and continues to focus on interviewing celebrity families, school principals, etc.
In order to give back to her school, she began to serve as a consultant for Our Voice in 2020, leading “Our Voice” to go digital, adding video reports, strengthening content such as exclusive interviews and supplements, and giving full play to the strengths of students.
Ling’s message:
“During my four years of study at Shue Yan University, I gradually established my goal of joining the media industry. I laid a solid foundation in the comprehensive courses and received a lot of valuable advice from my lecturers and professors. In addition, when I was on the committee of ‘Our Voice’, I deeply understood the importance of attitude towards others, teamwork spirit and flexibility in the media industry, which enabled me to develop smoothly in my career.”

林綺玲 2008年畢業生

自2008年畢業於樹仁新傳系後,至今在媒體工作16年,從報紙編輯到雜誌編輯,再成功轉型為網絡編輯。綺玲曾擔任《頭條日報》編輯、《星島日報》編輯,主要負責港聞及國際版,其後轉職至雜誌《Sunday Kiss》成為親子教育記者,訪問過無數名人家庭做封面故事,協助《Sunday Kiss》成為親子媒體龍頭之一,同時開始轉型兼任網站新聞。



