Kylie Li   (Graduated in 2015)

Kylie Li completed her degree in Journalism and Mass Communication at Hong Kong Shue Yan University in 2015. She began her career at Link-Work Communication, a PR agency in Hong Kong, where she focused on event and media relations management. Kylie's career took a significant step forward at Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association. In this role, she played a key part in strategic planning, project and team management, and building strong relationships with members and partners. Kylie played a crucial role in organizing industrial well-known events such as the "Asia Smart App Awards" and the "Hong Kong ICT Awards – Startup Category."

Kylie continued her journey in the tech sector by moving to a business development role as the Assistant Manager at Green Tomato. During her tenure, she focused on vertical development to better understand the specific needs of various industries and explore how technology can transform business operations and streamline processes. 

Outside of work, Kylie is passionate about the outdoors. She co-founded "Hikipedia," a platform where she shares her hiking experiences and writes articles about various hiking routes in Hong Kong. Additionally, she authored "HK 50 Mountains香港50山峰全攻略," a guidebook that explores the top 50 mountain trails across Hong Kong. 

Kylie's enthusiasm for hiking extends beyond local trails. She successfully completed several challenging hikes overseas, including the 4,095-meter Mount Kinabalu in Malaysia, the 3,952-meter Mount Jade in Taiwan, the 3,776-meter Mount Fuji in Japan, and the 3,726-meter Mount Ranjini in Indonesia,. Next on her list is the 13-day Everest Base Camp Trek, which she plans to undertake in October. She also has ambitions to conquer Japan's 100 Famous Mountains and Taiwan's 100 Peaks during her lifetime.

Kylie’s Message:

"Studying Journalism and Mass Communication at Hong Kong Shue Yan University was a key step in shaping my career, it had equipped me with essential skills such as clear communication, critical thinking, and effective storytelling, which was essential in every job I've had, from public relations to business development. My education in writing and understanding the media ecosystem at university was crucial when I authored and published my book, "HK 50 Mountains香港50山峰全攻略." This book is a blend of my passion for hiking and my skills in writing and media communication, showcasing how my comprehensive training has equipped me to engage effectively with real-world projects. 100 Famous Japanese Mountains"

李嘉怡  (2015年畢業生)

Kylie於2015年畢業於香港樹仁大學新聞與傳播學系。畢業後於香港的一家公關公司Link-Work Communications開始了她的職業生涯,主要負責媒體關係和活動管理。隨後,Kylie在香港無線科技商會會擔任重要職位,負責戰略規劃、項目及活動監督、團隊領導與管理,並與會員及合作夥伴建立牢固的關係。她曾策劃多個行業知名活動,包括「亞洲智能應用程式大獎」和「香港資訊及通訊科技獎 - 初創企業類別」。Kylie後來轉戰科技領域,加入Green Tomato擔任商業發展助理經理。在此職位上,她專注於縱向發展,深入了解各行業的特定需求,探索科技如何轉型業務運營和簡化流程。

在工作之餘,Kylie熱愛露營、登山、跑步等戶外活動。她共同創立了「Hikipedia」平台,整理及分享香港的登山路線,並撰寫相關文章。此外,她還著有《香港50山峰全攻略》,這本指南書介紹了50座香港山峰及不同的登山路線。Kylie 對登山的熱情不僅限於本地路線。她成功完成了多次海外挑戰性徒步路線,包括馬來西亞的神山(海拔4,095米)、台灣的玉山(海拔3,952米)、日本的富士山(海拔3,776米)和印尼的林賈尼火山(海拔3,726米)。她計劃於今年十月挑戰為期13日的EBC珠峰基地營徒步路線,並希望有生之年可以完成日本的百名山及台灣的百嶽。

