Lam Ho Yan is an experienced journalist specializing in reporting news features, and a TV producer familiar with producing documentaries and current affairs programmes. She obtained the bachelor's degree in Journalism and Mass Communication with first-class honors at Shue Yan University, and a master's degree that was placed on the Dean's List in Intercultural Studies from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her undergraduate dissertation, a study on Mainland Chinese Reality TV show and the interpretation and cultural identity construction of Hong Kong audiences, was invited to be presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in Canada.
During her studies in Journalism and Mass Communication at Shue Yan University, she worked as an intern and part-time feature reporter for local free and paid newspapers. After graduation, she became a local news reporter at a newspaper, and later joined HK01, TVB News & Information Services Division, and i-Cable News, where she was responsible for planning, filming, conducting interviews, reporting news features and producing TV programmes.
In 2021, her documentary “A Life for a Life: Life or Death/ Punishment and Forgiveness” won the Edward R. Murrow Award (Best News Documentary, Regional) in RTDNA which is the world's largest professional organization devoted exclusively to broadcast and digital journalism. She investigated the perspectives of innocent victims, death row inmates, families, lawyers and authorities in the Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and explored how to protect individual’s basic rights while balancing the punishment scale and the rule of law. The features series "Politics of the Emotions", "The Days of Our Lives", and "When They Get Old" also won her the Mind Hong Kong Media Awards in the Chinese categories such as Journalist and Broadcast, Films & Audio for three consecutive years from 2018 to 2020. The series was focused on mental health issues and the life journeys of vulnerable communities.
Her other TV features included "Garbage Home", " The Tragedy of Bereaved Elderly Parents under China's One-child Policy: Love and Despair/ Goodbye and Reborn", "Palace Stories: Re-establishing the Happiness/ the Guardians/ Time Travel Relics", and the "Traversing Laos" series. In 2024, she pursues a master's degree in documentary filmmaking at the Journalism and Media Studies Centre of the University of Hong Kong.
Yan's message:
“I am very grateful for the opportunities to learn and grow, surrounded by supportive teachers and U-mates when studying Journalism and Mass Communication at Shue Yan University. My suggestion is to embrace the opportunities, make the most of it, and look ahead with confidence. Thoughtfully explore your interests and unique strengths, which will be invaluable assets as you prepare for your future career.”
“Even long after graduation, hold onto the enthusiasm and drive that motivate you now. Stay true to your passions, continue learning and improving, and you will forge an inspiring path forward. The journey may have its challenges but trust that your efforts will be rewarded. Your hard work and dedication will pay in the future and allow you to become a ‘better me’. The future is yours to create.“

在樹仁大學修讀新聞與傳播學期間,她於本地免費及收費報章任職實習及兼職專題記者,畢業後成為報社的港聞記者,主力採訪教育新聞,並先後加入《香港01》、無綫新聞及資訊部、有線新聞,負責策劃、採訪及報道新聞專題。其新聞紀錄片《以命償命:生與死/罪與恕》探討兩岸三地死刑存廢爭議,2021年獲美國廣播電視數位新聞協會(RTDNA Edward R. Murrow Awards)新聞紀錄片組別國際地區大獎;專題系列報道《失控人間》、《我在青山的日子》、《當他們老去》關注精神健康及其復元人士與家屬支援議題,呈現邊緣族群的生命歷程,為2018至2020年度Mind Hong Kong媒體獎,新聞記者、大眾廣播(中文)等組別的優勝者。其他電視專題包括《垃圾窩居》、《中國失獨家庭:愛與哀愁/再見與再生》、《故宮故事:建福流芳/典守故宮人/穿越古今》、《走過老撾》系列等。2024年,她於香港大學新聞及傳媒研究中心,進修紀錄片電影製作碩士課程。