JMC Talk
“Building Resilience”
“Building Resilience”
Date: Feb 11, 2025
Time: 2:45pm-4:30pm
Venue: Hong Kong Shue Yan University Research Complex RLG208
Guest: Mr. Derek LAI Kar-yan
Derek Lai was the Vice Chairman of Deloitte China and Global Belt and Road Initiative Leader since 2017. He was the Managing Partner of Deloitte China Southern Region, National Functional Leader of Deloitte China Financial Advisory, and was a two-term Board Member of Deloitte China.
Derek Lai was the Vice Chairman of Deloitte China and Global Belt and Road Initiative Leader since 2017. He was the Managing Partner of Deloitte China Southern Region, National Functional Leader of Deloitte China Financial Advisory, and was a two-term Board Member of Deloitte China.
Derek has been instrumental in nurturing and developing Deloitte China's Restructuring and Insolvency practice. Under his visionary leadership, the team has grown from less than 20 practitioners to over 300 practitioners and is now a larger team than any of its competitors in China.
Derek has specialized in corporate restructuring and insolvency in Hong Kong and Mainland China for over 30 years. He has worked on liquidation, receivership, and corporate restructuring engagements (including schemes of arrangement) involving companies incorporated in Hong Kong, Mainland China and various international jurisdictions, including the British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cook Islands, Jersey, and the United Kingdom.
Derek is experienced in formal restructurings and informal workouts. He has acted in numerous high profile cases, including the receivership of the Baha Mar resort in the Caribbean, which was one of the largest corporate insolvency engagements in Deloitte.
Derek has acted as provisional liquidator of numerous companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that had business operations in mainland China. He has been successful in obtaining the relisting of shares of companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which had been suspended from trading due to financial difficulties and/or suspected irregularities.
Please contact Dr. LAM, Wun Sum
Organised by:
Department of Journalism and Communication, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
個人簡介:黎嘉恩校友自2017年開始出任德勤中國副主席及一帶一路全球領導人。他曾擔任德勤中國南區管理合夥人,德勤中國財務諮詢國家功能領導者,並擔任德勤中國兩屆董事會成員。 黎校友在培育和發展德勤中國的重組和破產業務方面發揮了重要作用。在他具有遠見的領導下,該團隊從不到20名從業人員發展到超過300名從業人員,現在是中國任何競爭對手的更大團隊。 在香港和中國大陸從事企業重組和破產工作已有30多年。他曾參與在香港、中國大陸和其他國際司法管轄區(包括英屬維爾京群島、開曼群島、科克群島、澤西和英國)註冊的公司的清算、接管和企業重組業務(包括安排方案)。黎嘉恩校友在正式重組和非正式解決方案方面具有豐富經驗。他曾參與多起知名案件,包括加勒比地區巴哈馬度假村的接管,該案是德勤參與的最大企業破產業務之一。
黎嘉恩校友曾擔任多家在香港聯合交易所上市並在中國大陸經營業務的公司的臨時清盤人。他成功地使在香港聯合交易所上市的公司股票重新上市,這些股票因財務困難和/或涉嫌不正當行為而暫停交易。 黎校友在處置與中國大陸相關的合資企業/業務和資產方面具有成功的記錄。他為眾多客戶提供了有關中國投資的適當退出策略的建議,以最大程度地實現回報並減少退出所帶來的不利後果。黎校友曾在中國大陸根據破產法設立的各種清算委員會中擔任職務。
電郵聯絡:林援森 博士