“Extended Reality (XR)’s Endless Opportunities for Business and Art”
Mr. Terry Dao
Mr. Dino Fung
Dr. Camellia Ng
Mr. Edgar So
Mr Dino Fung has been with “Don’t Believe In Style” (DBIS) for 14 years and is now a partner. He is also the partner of XRE Technology Startup. DBIS dive deep into visionary ideas and bold concepts, blending multidisciplinary talents to create innovative experiences that merge art, technology, and creation. They design forward-thinking adventures that leverage immersive tech, Web3.0, and multimedia to foster community and awe. His dynamic team revitalizes public spaces, museums, and galleries, working closely with clients to deliver attention-grabbing experiences that challenge the limits of possibility.
Ng Ni Na Camellia is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Hong Kong Shue Yan University and one of the founders of the International Chinese Art Inheritance Association. She is dedicated to promoting art technology, using this innovative approach to narrate the stories of Chinese culture. Dr. Ng has a rich academic background: she conducted postdoctoral research in Chinese history at Sun Yat-sen University, previously obtained a Ph.D. in Chinese Art History from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and earned a Master's degree in Museum Studies from the University of Leicester in the UK. This interdisciplinary background has led her to focus particularly on the in-depth exploration and innovative interpretation of historical and cultural content.
淘滿勳先生 Mr. Terry Dao
馮正文先生 Mr. Dino Fung
吳妮娜博士 Dr. Camellia Ng
蘇啟智先生Mr. Edgar So
淘滿勳先生是VTM Digital Limited的CEO和香港延展實境協會(HKXRA)的創辦人兼會長。VTM Digital Limited成立於2016年,通過設計尖端的XR培訓系統,徹底改變當前的學習和培訓方法,提倡通過具有更高的有效性和效率,加速延展實境(XR)培訓成為不可或缺的培訓方式。淘先生作為HKXRA的創辦人兼會長,致力於推動虛擬實境(VR)、增強實境(AR)和混合實境(MR)在各行各業的應用。HKXRA旨在通過推廣XR技術,為香港及全球的商界和社會創造價值。淘先生的願景是透過建立HKXRA,鼓勵各行各業和消費者利用XR技術來提高效率、效能和行業的專業與發展。
馮正文先生在DBIS 工作14 年,現為合夥人, 亦同時為XRE初創公司合夥人。公司主力深入研究富有遠見的想法和大膽的概念,融合多學科人才,創造融合藝術、技術和創作的創新體驗。在「創意解決方案和體驗」的指導下,公司設計了具有前瞻性的冒險活動,利用沉浸式技術、Web3.0 和多媒體來培養社群和敬畏感。公司充滿活力的團隊致力振興公共空間、博物館和畫廊,與客戶密切合作,提供引人注目的體驗,挑戰可能性的極限。