HKSYU Department of Journalism and Communication Information Day
知識轉移 惠及社區 Empowering Communities through Knowledge Transfer |
田家炳基金會資助 「香港非遺與葉問詠春」 項目成果發佈會暨頒獎典禮
Tin Ka Ping Foundation-sponsored “Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage and IPMAN Ving Tsun”: Release of project results and award-presentation ceremony |
日期:2023年11月18日(六) 時間:早上10時至11時30分 活動內容:項目成果發佈,15間協作中小學校師生及家長、詠春師傅等參與活動,學生代表演示學習成果,同場舉行繪畫比賽、短片創作比賽頒獎禮。
Date: 18th November 2023 (Sat) Time: 10am – 11.30am Details: Students, teachers and parents from 15 collaborating primary and secondary schools to showcase their learning outcomes with Ving Tsun masters who participated in the project. It will be followed by the award-presentation ceremonies for an art competition and a short video contest for the project.
數碼人文 跨學科發展 Digital Humanities: Bridging Disciplines to Collaborate |
Interdisciplinary collaboration with the Department of Journalism and Communication
日期:2023年11月18日(六) 時間:早上11時45分至下午1時 活動內容:介紹新傳系的學科及課程發展,讓業界 (學界/僱主)認識新傳系及探索合作機會。
Date: 18th November 2023 (Sat) Time: 11.45am – 1pm Details: An Introduction to the programmes offered by the Department of Journalism and Communication. It will also be an opportunity for potential employers and researchers to explore future collaborations.
影像製作 提升傳播力 Elevating Communication Power through Visual Production |
Premiere of “Boundless: Chinese Martial Arts”, themed documentary of “Chinese Martial Arts and Sports Culture Communication” |
日期:2023年11月18日(六) 時間:下午2時至下午3時30分 活動內容:「中華武術與體育文化傳播」主題紀錄片首播,透過紀錄片創作闡析新傳系課程,與新傳系畢業生、兼任高級講師兼香港金像獎導演對話。
Date: 18th November 2023 (Sat) Time: 2pm – 3.30pm Details: The premiere of “Boundless: Chinese Martial Arts”, a themed documentary of research project “Chinese Martial Arts and Sports Culture Communication”. It will be followed by an introduction of JC curriculum and a sharing session with JC alumni, lecturers and award-winning director of Hong Kong Film Award.
教研相長 增實踐機會 Nurturing Growth through Teaching and Research |
新傳系研究發佈 「香港市民社交媒體成癮、應對策略與心理健康狀態研究成果發佈會」
Department of Journalism and Communication releases study findings: “Social media addiction, coping strategies and psychological wellbeing of Hong Kong citizens”
日期:2023年11月18日(六) 時間:下午3時45分至下午4時45分 活動內容:介紹香港樹仁大學數據分析與民調研究中心、發表研究結果。
Date: 18th November 2023 (Sat) Time: 3.45pm – 4.45pm Details: HKSYU Data Analytics and Survey Research Centre to release findings of a recent study on social media addiction in Hong Kong.