何戎笙 老師
Ho, Yung Sang Vincent
Director of Development and Communications

In the age of digitization, the information explosion implies the difficulty of managing information. Professional journalists serve as curators, playing a more important role to provide a fair, impartial and independent view-point. How to cultivate a brand-new approach to present our news stories?

I am fortunate to work as Controller of SYMediaLab. It was founded in 2013, a multimedia news platform providing feature stories in social, political and cultural affairs of public concern in Hong Kong. Its headquarter is in Hong Kong Shue Yan University. With 10 years of experience working in News Broadcasting as a TV news anchor in HKTV and ATV respectively, I aim to give impetus to the news broadcasting industry development.

【樹仁手記】成績不佳非絕路 絕處逢生遇轉機




【課程設計及導師】東區青藤計劃 2023-24:傳媒青訓班



Courses Taught

Digital News and Information Production

News Reporting & Writing in Chinese I

News Reporting & Writing in Chinese II

Academic Qualifications

MSSc in Public Policy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Arts, Journalism & Mass Communication, Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Externally Funded Projects

Chinese Martial Arts and Sports Culture Communication(中華武術與體育文化傳播)
Mr. Zen Wei Peu.
Co-Investigator (2022-2023)
65years of Hong Kong Television News (1957-2022)(香港電視新聞六十五載 1957-2022)
Dorothy Shen Wong Journalism Education Fund.
Co-Investigator (2020-2023)

Professional Experience

Director & Chief Editor, SYMediaLab, Shue Yan University, HK

News Editor, Phoenix Satellite Television Co Ltd, HK

Anchor / Senior Reporter, Asia Television Limited, HK

Senior Anchor / Reporter, Hong Kong Television Network Limited, HK

Part time Reporter, Television Broadcasts Limited, HK

Certificate in Ecotourism, Hong Kong Ecotourism & Travels Professional Training Centre

Level 1 Mountain Craft Training, China Hong Kong Mountaineering and Climbing Union

Professional Certificate in Geotourism, Hong Kong Ecotourism & Travels Professional Training Centre